John Dolan
“Horse Whispers & Lies” tells the true story of the parents of Monty Roberts (The Man Who Listens to Horses) and tosses in some truth about Monty’s own life that he glorified in his autobiography.
The publication of the book is being celebrated along with the lives and times of Marvin and Marguerite Roberts at the Sheriff Posse Grounds at Natividad & Old Natividad Road in Salinas, California on July 15, 1999 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
It’s being touted as an event to “restore the honor of two extraordinary people, Marvin and Marguerite Roberts” who were much defamed in Monty’s book.
SEE THE RODEO / BUY THE BOOK: July 15th also marks the first day of the annual California Rodeo, pronounced ro-day-o in Salinas. A public bar-b-que at 4:00 PM will kick-off the rodeo which begins at 6:30 PM. “Horse Whispers & Lies” will be available on site.
THE ROBERTS & THE RED PONY EXHIBIT: A symbolic and fitting tribute to the true spirit of Marvin and Marguerite Roberts can be found at the prestigious National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California, where the popular Red Pony Exhibit is dedicated in their memory.