Kellogg’s Brand Cereals – Case 146


Citizens for Justice is merely providing space to the originators of stories that we feel, through their telling, subject matter or handling may at some time benefit the general public. As to the allegations in the stories, Citizens for Justice makes no claim as to their truth or falsity. In the interests of justice, we will always ask the opposing party for confirmation of the allegations. In some cases, it may be that the opposing party has chosen not to participate and it will be so noted. Please read our DISCLAIMER before continuing.

Kellogg’s Brand Cereals

Fraud & Deceit
Conspiracy to Profit From Poisoning People

Kellogg’s cereals are a staple at America’s breakfast tables and have even made their way overseas. If you live in the UK and enjoy Kellogg’s, you’re safe (tons of sugar, notwithstanding). But the unlucky folks in America, get to eat genetically modified grain products along with their bowls of sugar. Why? Because Kellogg has been given the okay to do so by the FDA and the FDA believes that Americans are stupid enough to swallow anything.

NOTE: The Kellogg Company was contacted regarding this case and chose to remain silent.

After posting information on this case
and leaving it on the site for

the citizens to read and contemplate, a vote was called.
The following are the results:
Guilty – 12,005 Votes     Not Guilty – 3,573 Votes


Kellogg’s sells GMOs Forces Americans to Eat GMOs But Offers Safe Foods in Europe

Greenpeace Press Release Condemning Kellogg’s Use of “FrankenFood”

Fact sheet: The Truth About GMOs

Frequently asked questions about genetic engineering